Arkansas Foodbank urges Arkansans for greater involvement following USDA report release

A Call to Action: Arkansas Foodbank Seeks Greater Involvement Amid Growing Hunger Crisis

The Arkansas Foodbank has issued a strong call to action for Arkansans to increase their involvement in addressing the state’s worsening hunger crisis. This appeal follows the release of a recent USDA report highlighting the alarming rise in food insecurity across central and southern Arkansas.

The report paints a dire picture, with the overall food insecurity rate in the region surging from 14.5% to 17.6%, meaning an additional 45,040 Arkansans struggle to find enough daily food. This crisis disproportionately affects vulnerable populations like children, with food insecurity rates leaping from 19.6% to 25.6%. Racial and ethnic disparities are also stark, with Black residents facing a food insecurity rate of 29%, compared to 20% for the Hispanic community and 14% for white individuals.

Arkansas Foodbank CEO Brian Burton emphasized that this crisis is not only heartbreaking but also a solvable challenge. He underscored the importance of community support, citing the rollback of government assistance post-pandemic and the increasing strain on local food pantries. Burton urged the public to stay engaged and continue their generous support to help supplement households and keep families afloat.

The Foodbank is making efforts to improve efficiency and target vulnerable populations like children and seniors. It is imperative for the community to rally behind this cause, ensuring that those falling through the social safety net receive the necessary support. This is a critical time for collective action to address the growing hunger crisis in Arkansas.

  • The Arkansas Foodbank and its partners are making strides in efficiency and resource allocation to target vulnerable populations.
  • The community is urged to stay engaged and continue its support to help supplement households and keep families afloat.