Army Corps of Engineers Seeks Land Sellers Along Beaver Lake
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has embarked on a significant land acquisition project around Beaver Lake. The goal is to purchase property from willing landowners in low-lying areas that are constantly or periodically inundated with water. This move aims to expand the Corps’ management territory and better align with the Congressionally mandated missions for the reservoir.
On July 30, 2024, a crucial meeting took place at the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s J.B. and Johnelle Hunt Family Ozark Highlands Nature Center in Springdale, Arkansas. During this event, representatives from the Corps briefed landowners on the acquisition process and held one-on-one discussions to address specific property concerns. Approximately 500 landowners are expected to be impacted, and interested sellers are encouraged to provide their details through the official website.
The Corps has been working on this project since March 2021, carefully assessing the affected areas along Beaver Lake, the White River, and War Eagle Creek. The initiative’s primary goal is to mitigate negative impacts on the Corps’ missions and ensure a comprehensive management plan. Members of the public can find more detailed information, NEPA documents, and an interactive GIS map on the official website.
- The project’s timeline spans several years, pending available funding.
- The pozemParcel acquisition process will be carried out in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act to ensure a thorough environmental review.
- Landowners are encouraged to visit the Corps(Number website for more information and to RSVP for upcoming meetings.
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