Hundreds of responses received for Bentonville draft future land use plan

Community Feedback Positively Impacts Future Land Use Plan in Bentonville

After a significant amount of community engagement, Bentonville is moving forward with refining its draft future land use plan. This plan incorporates citizen input, ensuring thoughtful and balanced growth, a key priority for residents over the next ten to twenty years

Future Land Use Map Feedback Encouraging

The walker-friendly streets, public spaces, and continued preservation of existing community character are all part of the vision for Bentonville’s future growth. Feedback sessions, including open houses and office hours, have been crucial in guiding development decisions and maintaining a sense of community

About the Comprehensive Plan

Juxtaposed against the current zoning ordinances and property rights, the plan acts as a general guideline to direct development. It does not automatically grant specific land uses but rather showcases desired uses across the city. This forward-thinking approach will help maintain the unique character that Bentonville’s residents love about their community

Preparing for Future Development

A major goal of this plan is to ensure that new development aligns with community aspirations. The combination of local input and careful planning is crucial in achieving a balanced approach to growth and preservation. With ongoing community participation, Bentonville is solidifying its vision for the next decade

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