Six People Arrested on Various Charges in Northwest Arkansas
On August 15, six people were arrested on various charges in Northwest Arkansas. In Bella Vista, Kristin Wining, 37, was arrested in connection with aggravated assault. Wining was being held at the Benton County Jail with no bond set.
Separate incidents in Benton County resulted in the arrests of Larry Brust, 66, for delivery of methamphetamine or cocaine, and Brian Culp, 41, for aggravated assault on a family member and domestic battering. Both were held at the Benton County Jail with no bond set.
In Bentonville, Harley Massey, 30, was arrested for trafficking a controlled substance and was also held at the Benton County Jail with no bond set.
On the same day, Andrew Syrattanakoun, 29, of Springdale, was arrested for second-degree assault on a family member, terroristic threatening, and first-degree criminal mischief. He was held at the Washington County Jail in lieu of a 0,000 bond.
Additionally, Alan Hill, 36, was arrested in Fayetteville for residential burglary and terroristic threatening. Hill was being held at the Washington County Detention Center with no bond set.