Arnold Farm in Conway Co. Recognized as Arkansas Century Farm

Arnold Farm in Conway County Recognized as Arkansas Century Farm

The rural landscape of Arkansas is dotted with historical farmland that has been tilled and tended by the same families for generations. One such farm that has recently been recognized for its century-old legacy is Arnold Farm in Conway County.

A Rich Agricultural Heritage

Chuck Huggins, the proud owner of Arnold Farm, grins when talking about his family’s long-standing connection to the land. “It’s just something we love to do,” he says. “Farming is in our blood.” The farm, located in Conway County, is a perfect example of Arkansas’s rich agricultural heritage.

The Century Farm Program

The Arkansas Century Farm Program is a tradition that honors families who have owned and farmed the same land for at least 100 years. The program, administered by the Arkansas Department of Agriculture, is a way to acknowledge and celebrate these families’ contributions to the state’s agricultural history. Each family can choose whether to participate, and there are no legal restrictions or costs associated with the recognition.

Application and Recognition

To qualify as an Arkansas Century Farm, the property must be owned by the same family for a century or more. The farm must also remain within the original boundaries and continue to be a part of the family’s income. The application process involves submitting official forms with all necessary information and documentation of ownership.

Once accepted into the program, families like the Arnolds receive a personalized certificate and a metal sign identifying their historical farm. These tokens serve as a testament to their dedication and endurance in the agriculture industry.

Family Legacy

Arnold Farm is not just any ordinary farm; it’s a testament to generations of hard work and dedication. The farm has seen many challenges over the years, from harsh weather conditions to economic downturns, but it has always persevered. For the Huggins family, this recognition is a welcome validation of their commitment to sustainable farming practices.


As we celebrate this milestone for Arnold Farm, we are reminded of the importance of preserving our agricultural heritage. The Arkansas Century Farm Program serves as a poignant reminder of how much hard work and tradition have shaped our nation’s food systems. Here is a brief overview of the program and its significance.

Overview of the Arkansas Century Farm Program

Eligibility: Only the property’s legal owner(s) can apply. The same family must have owned the farm for 100 years or more by the end of the calendar year.
Family Line: The line of ownership can be through spouses, children, siblings, or nephews and nieces. Adopted children are recognized equally with other descendants.
Land Requirements: The farm must be at least 10 acres of the original land and make a financial contribution to the farm’s income.
Application Process: Applications must be submitted on official forms provided by the Department with all questions completed. All applications must include verification of ownership for 100 years and be complete and legible.

For more information about the Arkansas Century Farm Program, you can contact Program Manager Beth Moore at [email protected] or call (501) 539-4027.

Arnold Farm in Conway County is not just a milestone in farming history but also an inspiration to all those who strive to preserve their land and traditions. This recognition is a testament to the enduring spirit of agriculture and the enduring legacy of those who till it.

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