Morrilton City Council Approves RFP for Hwy 64 Property

Recent Decision by the Morrilton City Council

The Morrilton City Council has made a crucial decision to seek proposals to determine how to utilize the 15 acres of city-owned land on Highway 64 East between Friendship Road and the Morrilton Highway. This decision has significant implications for the future development of the area.

Future of Highway 64

Following this approval, the city council will now invite requests for proposals (RFPs) to handle the disposal of this property. This move marks a critical step towards determining the best course of action for this valuable land.

Effect on Local Development

The proper utilization of this land has the potential to significantly impact the growth and well-being of the community. By inviting proposals, the city council aims to ensure that any project or initiative on this land aligns with the needs and aspirations of Morrilton’s diverse community.

Public Involvement

As part of the Morrilton City Council’s commitment to open communication and collaboration, the council encourages public participation and engagement throughout the decision-making process. Citizens are invited to attend monthly council meetings, held on the second Monday at 6:00 pm, to stay updated and contribute to the discussion about this project.

Council Responsibilities

The city council, composed of dedicated representatives from different wards, is responsible for addressing the interests of the community. This decision exemplifies their commitment to ensuring that decisions made about the land on Highway 64 align with the community’s vision for its future.

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