Elkins Residents Share Visions for the City’s Future
Residents of Elkins are actively involved in shaping the city’s future by providing input as leaders work on an economic development plan. This inclusive approach aims to ensure that the plan reflects the needs and aspirations of the community, ensuring a harmonious balance between economic growth and quality of life.
Issues like broadband connectivity, walkability, and housing choices top the list of concerns. Residents envision a vibrant downtown with diverse businesses, yet they confront the reality of dilapidated structures and lack of entry-level jobs. The once-in-a-generation opportunity provided by the seven-acre Railyard Redevelopment Area has sparked creative solutions, such as a year-round recreation facility and an outdoor music space.
Moreover, tourism plays a significant role in Elkins’ economy. Outdoor recreation in the mountainous landscape attracts high levels of revenue, making it essential to balance development with environmental preservation. Strengthening this sector necessitates careful planning and coordination to cater to both visitors and locals.
The comprehensive plan, a strategic roadmap for Elkins, is a mandatory requirement under West Virginia state law. This document will guide the city’s growth and development for the next decade, encompassing aspects like public safety, transportation, economic development, and land use. Resident input is crucial in shaping this vital policy document.
As residents contribute their thoughts through surveys, they are actively taking part in building the city’s future. The comprehensive plan, once finalized, will provide a cohesive vision for development, thereby ensuring that Elkins grows sustainably and in line with its residents’ dream for a more vibrant and thriving city.