Paddlers Discover Lotus Blooms Instead of Lilies at Fayetteville’s Lake Sequoyah

Lotus Blooms Delight Paddlers at Lake Sequoyah

Paddlers at Lake Sequoyah in Fayetteville have been finding something other than water lilies blooming in the late summer. Acres of what most people call water lilies are actually American lotus flowers, also known as yellow lotus, which delight visitors with their stunning yellow blossoms.

These flowers, known for their beautiful and vibrant colors, have been spreading across the lake, creating a breathtaking scenery for those who venture out onto the water. American lotus flowers are a unique sight and are best appreciated from a kayak or canoe, allowing paddlers to explore the full extent of their beauty up close.

One of the interesting features of these flowers is their water-repellent properties. When a droplet of water falls on a lotus leaf, it beads up and rolls off, leaving no residual moisture. This adaptation allows the plants to thrive in their aquatic environment.

Aside from their aesthetic beauty, the lotus blooms also attract a variety of wildlife, making the lake a haven for birdwatchers. Kingfishers, great blue herons, and waterfowl are common sightings, and in the winter, bald eagles can sometimes be spotted.

Fayetteville’s Lake Sequoyah is a hidden gem for outdoor enthusiasts. In addition to its beautiful lotus blooms, it offers diverse activities like fishing, hiking, and horseback riding. The area’s trails and waterways provide ample opportunities for exploration and recreation, making it a must-visit destination in the summer and beyond.

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