Rezoning properties along College Avenue now up to Fayetteville City Council

College Avenue Rezoning Heads to Fayetteville City Council

Fayetteville is moving forward with a significant rezoning project, with the City Council set to consider a new zoning district along College and School avenues. The project, known as the 71B Rezoning Project, aims to revamp the central corridor by allowing housing and commercial uses in the same areas.

This undertaking is not new. In 2018, the city began a community planning process to revitalize the 71B corridor. The core goal was to improve the area’s economic viability, address traffic concerns, expand affordable housing, and create a more accessible and attractive area. In the fall of 2023, the City Council reaffirmed their intent to rezone the area to permit housing opportunities.

The existing zoning restrictions, particularly those designated as Commercial Thoroughfare (C-2), have limited housing options. The proposed new zoning district, called the Urban Corridor, would facilitate mixed-use developments that bring both residential and commercial spaces to the area.

  • A section of College Avenue, from Maple to North streets, was rezoned back in 2017.
  • The current rezoning proposal targets over 600 acres, the majority of which is currently zoned as Commercial Thoroughfare (C-2).

The Planning Commission, which reviewed the proposal, voted 7-0 in support of the rezoning. Now, it falls to the City Council to make the final decision. The public can participate in this process by attending meetings or submitting written comments.

This project is critical for the city’s future. As Fayetteville continues to grow, creating opportunities for mixed-use development and affordable housing is essential. The 71B Rezoning Project embodies the city’s commitment to thoughtful urban planning and community engagement.

For those interested in staying informed or contributing to the discussion, resources are available online. The city’s website hosts detailed information on the proposed rezoning areas, permitted uses, and the public engagement process. Additionally, direct communication with city officials is also an option.

The Road Ahead

The final decision on the rezoning proposal now rests with the City Council. The council will consider the creation of the Urban Corridor zoning district in their upcoming meeting. This milestone decision will shape the future of College Avenue and its surrounding areas, balancing the needs of residents and businesses alike.

As the community continues to navigate this complex process, it remains essential to maintain a dialogue about the vision for Fayetteville’s central corridor. The 71B Rezoning Project exemplifies the city’s commitment to planning and adaptation, ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for all inhabitants.