School Boundary Dispute Heads to Arkansas Board of Education
A major disagreement has emerged regarding the adjustment of school district boundary lines between Prairie Grove and Lincoln school districts. The controversy centers around the desire of residents living on Kelly Mountain Road to be annexed from the Lincoln Consolidated School District into the Prairie Grove School District.
This shift is driven by the proximity of these residents to Prairie Grove schools compared to Lincoln schools. Residents like Brenda Long have taken matters into their own hands, noting that her grandchild would have a 19.6-mile bus ride to attend school in Lincoln while living only 4 miles from a Prairie Grove school.
Kim Kilpatrick, another resident, emphasized the benefits of annexation, stating that families would no longer have to go through the process of transferring their children from Lincoln to Prairie Grove. Furthermore, residents would prefer their property taxes to support the Prairie Grove district rather than Lincoln schools.
The Prairie Grove School Board has backed the residents’ request, and recently forwarded the petition to the Arkansas Board of Education for consideration. Superintendent Lance Campbell and Assistant Superintendent Pete Joenks plan to attend the meeting to present the board’s case.
However, not everyone agrees with the proposed plan. Lincoln Consolidated School District Superintendent Mary Ann Spears has voiced opposition, citing concerns about the potential impact on property assessments and bond payments. Spears is set to attend the hearing as well, where a public debate about the merits of the proposal will unfold.