Three people arrested on various charges in Northwest Arkansas

Three Arrested on Various Charges in Northwest Arkansas

recently, multiple law enforcement agencies in Northwest Arkansas arrested three individuals on various criminal charges in separate incidents. These arrests highlight the ongoing effort to combat criminal activities in the region.

In Fayetteville, Nadaya Dickerson, 20, was taken into custody in connection with aggravated residential burglary, theft of property, first-degree criminal mischief, and violation of an order of protection.

Additionally, Elizabeth Leibig, 54, of Garfield, was arrested on charges of aggravated assault and domestic battering. Leibig was held at the Benton County Jail without a bond set.

In another incident, 23-year-old Matthew Terrell of Fayetteville was arrested for possession of methamphetamine or cocaine with intent to deliver and possession of a Schedule IV or V controlled substance with intent to deliver. Terrell was held at the Washington County Detention Center on a 6,000 bond.

These arrests reflect the persistent operations by local law enforcement to mitigate criminal activities and maintain public safety in Northwest Arkansas.