World Champion Squirrel Cook Off returning to Northwest Arkansas

Squirrel Lovers Rejoice: World Champion Squirrel Cook Off Returns to Northwest Arkansas

The World Champion Squirrel Cook Off is making its triumphant return to Northwest Arkansas on September 7. This highly anticipated event brings top squirrel chefs from around the globe to compete against each other. Hundreds of taste testers will be on hand to sample the delectable dishes created for the occasion.

A Celebration of Outdoor Delights

Hosted by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and the J.B. and Johnelle Hunt Family Ozark Highlands Nature Center, this free family-friendly event promises to delight attendees with a variety of activities. In addition to the mouth-watering squirrel dishes, the event will feature live music, food trucks, and a host of outdoor activities.

Gourmet Delights and Outdoor Fun

The squirrel dishes will be cooked in a variety of styles, including grilled, fried, and roasted. To ensure the authenticity of the squirrel meat, all ingredients will be verified before the cooking begins. Some of the creative dishes to expect include squirrel corn dogs, pizza, pickles, ice cream, and even squirrel cocktails.

More to Explore

Attendees can also enjoy the world champion squirrel-skinning contest, the world’s hottest squirrel hot wing-eating contest, and a squirrel-themed video and craft section for kids. The AGFC will host a pellet rifle shootout, providing more opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to engage in the celebration.

Culinary Celebrities and Local Flavors

The event will also feature a special appearance by five-time Memphis in May World Barbecue Contest champion Mark Lambert, who will prepare a massive batch of rabbit fricassee. Furthermore, YouTube barbecue celebrity Malcolm Reed and Brent Reaves from the MeatEater group’s popular Bear Grease podcast will be among the judges for the cooking contest.

Don’t Miss Out