APEX Accelerator aids businesses in accessing the federal marketplace

Unlocking Federal Contract Opportunities with APEX Accelerators

APEX Accelerators are designed to provide technical assistance to businesses seeking to tap into the federal marketplace. These accelerators, formerly known as Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, help small businesses navigate the complexities of government contracting.

One key service APEX Accelerators offer is determining a business’s readiness for federal contracting. They also assist in registering businesses for the correct certifications and provide guidance on researching past contract opportunities. This support empowers businesses to position themselves competitively in the federal marketplace.

Regional Support

APEX Accelerators can be found across the country, offering local support to businesses. The Arkansas APEX Accelerator, for instance, provides free guidance to state businesses through workshops and one-on-one consultations to help them secure government contracts.

In New York City, the APEX Accelerator is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense. This accelerator provides resources for businesses to pursue contracts with both federal and local government agencies. It also aims to increase opportunities for minority- and women-owned businesses.

Additional Services

Beyond direct contracting support, APEX Accelerators also help with payment issues and provide counseling on the contracting process. They collaborate with Procurement Center Representatives, who assist small businesses in winning federal contracts and ensure compliance with small business subcontracting plans.

  • Commercial Market Representatives review federal contractors’ compliance with small business subcontracting goals.
  • Procurement Center Representatives influence federal acquisition strategies to favor small businesses.

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