Bentonville Public Library invites patrons to name new sorting machine

Bentonville Public Library Invites Patrons to Name New Sorting Machine

The Bentonville Public Library (BPL) has embarked on an innovative phase in its recent expansion, introducing a new 9-bin sorter that has captured the hearts of both staff and patrons. Now, to give a personal touch to this cutting-edge technology, the library is holding a naming contest to find the perfect moniker for the machine.

The Tech Logic automated materials handling (AMH) RFID system has brought significant efficiency to the library operations, freeing staff time to focus on patron services and delighting visitors with its advanced sorting features. In the first week following the library’s reopening, the sorter processed an impressive 11,004 books, movies, and other materials. As circulation numbers continue to rise with the community’s demand, the library anticipates further upgrades to the sorter’s capacity.

The naming contest, running until June 27, invites patrons to submit their preferred names via an online form. Participants are requested to provide basic information as well as their suggested name for the sorter and an optional explanation behind their choice. Following the submission period, some of the best names will be selected and put to an in-person vote from July 1 to July 6, ensuring that the final name reflects the collective creativity of the community.

As part of the library’s ongoing development, this contest is another step towards fostering a deeper connection between patrons and the services provided. The incorporation of this new sorter is just the latest milestone in the library’s broader expansion project, which includes significant renovations, an enlarged community meeting area, a makerspace, and more.