Garfield man’s Beaver Lake trip ends with many pounds of paddlefish

Garfield Man Catches Record-Breaking Paddlefish at Beaver Lake

Beaver Lake has long been lauded for its exceptional fishing, particularly for striped bass and crappie. However, recent catches have catapulted it to the forefront for yet another species ‐ paddlefish. Mike Schleeper, a seasoned angler from Garfield, Arkansas, made history on June 15 by reeling in a paddlefish that set a new state record.

Schleeper’s incredible catch weighed a whopping 127 pounds, 6 ounces, comfortably surpassing the previous record of 118 pounds. But the feat wasn’t without its challenges. The battle lasted nearly an hour, with Schleeper initially mistaking the paddlefish for a massive striper. It was only after the final minutes of the struggle that he realized what he had on the other end of the line.

What sets this catch apart from others is the unique nature of paddlefish. Unlike most other fish, paddlefish do not bite lures, and most catches are the result of incidental snags. This particular fish was snagged in one of its pectoral fins while Schleeper and his friend Tom Mayberry were trolling. Despite the uncommon way of catching, paddlefish snagged in this manner are eligible for state records due to their peculiar feeding habits.

The entire ordeal was a testament to Schleeper’s tenacity and his friend’s persistence. Once they finally got the fish alongside their boat, they encountered yet another hurdle ‐ their net was too small to hoist it aboard. Eventually, they managed to rope the fish and secure it in the boat, but not before considering the possibility of cutting the line due to the tremendous struggle.

Schleeper’s achievement has garnered significant attention, including a recent weigh-in at Walmart that drew a large crowd. His record-breaking catch has solidified Beaver Lake’s renown for being a hotbed for extraordinary catches and has put Arkansas solidly on the map for paddlefish enthusiasts.

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